At MFS Supply, we’re proud to be a certified member of the . ESP is a voluntary program that encourages industry policies and practices that benefit the environment. Based on compliance in five categories: air quality & pollution prevention, resource sustainability, waste minimization, environmental stewardship, and community relations. This is the only environmental certification program that specifically focuses on kitchen and bath cabinets. .

Additionally, MFS Supply has recently taken steps to become a more environmentally aware & friendly corporation. We’re working to lay a foundation of environmental stewardship that will scale with MFS Supply’s growth. As we begin on our environmental journey, we’re focusing on establishing a Reduce – Reuse – Recycle mentality throughout the company.

A few of our current initiatives include:

Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District Recycling Program

Habitat for Humanity

MFS Supply donates any discontinued products to local chapters of . This avoids the products ending up in a landfill while benefiting a national non-profit committed to building decent & affordable homes.

PCs for People